Directed by Linda Sturdivant.
When Elwood P. Dowd starts to introduce his imaginary friend, Harvey, a six-and-a-half-foot rabbit, to guests at a society party, his sister, Veta, has seen as much of his eccentric behavior as she can tolerate. She decides to have him committed to a sanitarium to spare her daughter, Myrtle Mae, and their family from future embarrassment.
Problems arise, however, when Veta herself is mistakenly assumed to be on the verge of lunacy when she explains to doctors that years of living with Elwood's hallucinations have caused her to see Harvey also! The doctors commit Veta instead of Elwood, but when the truth comes out, the search is on for Elwood and his invisible companion. When he shows up at the sanitarium looking for his lost friend Harvey, it seems that the mild-mannered Elwood's delusion has had a strange influence on more than one of the doctors. Only at the end does Veta realize that maybe Harvey isn't so bad after all. [Dramatists Play Service]
Cast | |
Miss Johnson (the maid) | Diane Pete |
Myrtle Mae Simmons | Jane Whitney-Martin |
Veta Louise Simmons | Veronica Knight |
Elwood P. Dowd | Dana Trask |
Mrs. Ethel Chauvenet | Shirli Allen |
Ruth Kelly, RN | Jackie Lynch |
Duane Wilson | Joel Pulkkinen |
Lyman Sanderson, MD | Edward Baldridge |
William R. Chumley, MD | Elton Cole |
Betty Chumley | Alison Whitney |
Judge Omar Gaffney | Norman Caron |
E. J. Lofgren | Dan Allen |
Copyright © Oxford Hills Music and Performing Arts Association · All Rights Reserved
OHMPAA, PO Box 131, Norway ME 04268 | |